Aiming to further Rashi Foundation’s mission and achieve significant long-term impact, our areas of activity combine large-scale field work with efforts to shape the public agenda and advocate for policy change.
Aiming to further Rashi Foundation’s mission and achieve significant long-term impact, our areas of activity combine large-scale field work with efforts to shape the public agenda and advocate for policy change.
The initiatives we invest in are intended to continue driving social mobility over many years and are designed to be sustainable. Accordingly, these initiatives focus on strengthening social infrastructure and building capacity for individuals and communities, as well as empowering change agents to carry on after our exit.
Rashi’s programs are based on a holistic, multi-dimensional view that addresses the needs of individuals and families while taking into account the wider circles that affect their lives – the community, the city and the state. We apply this comprehensive approach in developing solutions that combine education, welfare and health aspects along a continuum of cradle to career.