Families First

Implementing a new approach to poverty, where a mentor works together with the family to provide it with tools to change its situation through a multi-dimensional intervention plan.

Poverty is many-faceted issue that adversely affects individuals, families, communities and society as a whole; breaking out is extremely difficult and requires a multi-dimensional effort. Even when families living in poverty have the motivation to change their situation, their limited access to critical resources often prevents them from doing so.

The Families First Initiative (“Noshmim L’Revacha”) began as a pilot program of the Ministry of Social Services, Rashi and JDC Israel, aiming to fundamentally change the social services approach to poverty. A social worker and mentor work closely together with each family to build an intervention plan taking into account every aspect of life – finances, work, education, health, and so on – and provide tools that allow the family to minimize its dependence on welfare services and to become self-sufficient.

“Power Centers” operating in the initiative’s locales offer additional services to program participants and other people in financial distress. These include workshops and individual guidance in areas such as pre-employment preparation, realizing rights, managing the household budget, and more.

The initiative is currently implemented in 130 communities across the country, serving some 4,500 families per year, in addition to 20,000 Power Center beneficiaries. While the Ministry of Social Services took responsibility for the operation in 2019, Rashi continued to develop the IT system we designed to enable data-based management, handing it over during 2024.



Government | Philanthropy

Operating body

Operating body

Yahdav Association | Northern Goals Association

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