Career Development for New Immigrants

A range of services providing highly-qualified Olim with tools for realizing their career goals in Israel, thus facilitating their integration in all areas of life.

The professional qualifications and experience new immigrants bring with them when they make Aliyah represent a precious “brain gain” for Israel. However, they often face difficulties in finding suitable employment, due to unfamiliarity with the local job market, lack of social-professional networking, cultural gaps and the language barrier. These difficulties are the main reason 30% of highly-qualified Olim leave the country within three years.

The Career Centers at Rashi affiliate Gvahim provide new immigrants with essential tools for making the best use of their education and experience as they enter the job market, thus facilitating their integration in all areas of life.

The services offered by the centers include: lectures and workshops on topics such as repackaging for the Israeli market, CV writing and work interviews, contract negotiations and more; introduction to Israeli companies and employers; individual mentoring; and guidance by career consultants.

Gvahim also operates pre-Aliyah online workshops that allow prospective Olim to plan ahead for a successful career even before their arrival in Israel, with a specific program targeting software engineers who are exploring employment opportunities in Israel’s high-tech sector.

Extending a hand to Ukrainian Olim: In response to the war and the refugee crisis in Ukraine, Gvahim mobilized to help those who came here after fleeing their homes. The Association offers individual support to the newcomers from Ukraine as well as from Russia and Belarus, along with lectures and workshops in Russian on subjects such as education, health, immigrant rights and so on. This, in addition to assistance focusing on preparation for employment and job search.



Government | Local authorities | Philanthropy | Business sector

Operating body

Operating body

Gvahim Association

Program website

Program website

Gvahim Career Center

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צור קשר

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