Educational reinforcement combined with social activity and adventure sports help youth to build a sense of capability and prevent them from dropping out of school.
Challenge Centers

The Challenge Centers help teenage boys who are at risk of dropping out of school due to emotional, social or learning difficulties. They combine educational reinforcement with social activity and adventure sports in order to build the participants’ sense of capability and confidence in their ability to integrate into normative frameworks.
The centers operate five afternoons a week, offering support and guidance together with a structured schedule and clear rules of behavior. The centers are complementary settings, working to develop the youngsters’ abilities alongside the main factors in their lives – family and school – whose involvement plays a major role in their progress. Ongoing dialogue with the parents, home visits, and close cooperation with the school staff are all an essential part of the philosophy and practice of the centers.
After operating for 13 years as a program targeting teenage boys, a first group for girls opened in 2020. Like the boys, they also receive educational reinforcement from volunteers and participate in challenging sports – hand-to-hand combat, wall climbing, surfing and so on – in addition to social activity, lectures and field trips.
Local authorities
Operating body
Tafnit Association
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