Warm Homes for teenage girls

Centers in the community where girls at risk enjoy a positive experience of acceptance, gain life skills and take an active role in shaping their own future.

The Warm Home is a social-therapeutic center in the community, where girls at risk gain life skills for breaking out of the cycle of distress and changing their life course. The Warm Homes staff give the girls a positive experience of acceptance and help them to realize their abilities while integrating in normative frameworks.

The approach guiding the Warm Homes in their work focuses on the girls’ perspective and knowledge, and invites them to play an active part in shaping their future despite the social constructs that limit them. The Homes’ programming includes group sessions with therapeutic content, enrichment workshops, and development of personal capabilities. There is also an emphasis on strengthening the connection between the girls and their families, especially the mothers, and on cooperating with the schools, community centers, etc.

Rashi’s affiliate associations operate 60 Warm Homes across Israel, as part of a program of the Ministry of Social Services, with a total of 170 homes nationwide.



Government | Local authorities

Operating body

Operating body

Northern Goals Association | Yahdav Association | Tafnit Association

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