Tnufa Initiaitve

Designing a model of national-civic service that provides young adults with opportunities for socioeconomic mobility and rewarding employment.

Taking part in Israel’s national-civic service can be a meaningful milestone for young adults, providing opportunities that pave their way towards optimal integration in society.

This realization has led the Rashi Foundation to join the Pnima NGO and the Authority for National-Civic Service in launching Tnufa (“momentum” in Hebrew), an innovative initiative aiming to tap the potential of the service as a lever for social-economic mobility. This will be achieved by developing an attractive, career-oriented service model while increasing the number of participants from under-represented groups.

The initiative offers vocational training in fields that are in high demand and address national needs, for example: data analysts, lab assistants, medics, PR and social media coordinators, and more. The volunteers receive professional certification and gain experience working in various healthcare and security organizations. During their service, they go through a process of personal advancement to acquire relevant knowledge and skills for the next stage in their lives.

The operating model is continuously modified based on feedback from the field, in preparation for its long-term incorporation into the system of national-civic service. This includes the design of mobility-promoting service tracks, as well as adaptation of the recruitment and placement procedures and of the process of individual and group empowerment.



Government | Philanthropy

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