Gap year volunteer programs

Training, placing and guiding young people from different backgrounds in meaningful volunteer work, thereby helping to foster personal growth and build a shared civil society.

The significance of volunteering as a tool for promoting equal opportunities and social mobility is supported by many studies. Taking part in these programs empowers the volunteers and builds their sense of capability, fostering personal growth that has a long-lasting impact on their lives. This impact is evident especially in broadening the higher education and career horizons of young people from a low socioeconomic background.

Volunteering that equips young adults with leadership skills allows them to also act as agents of change in the community. Moreover, by bringing together young people from different population groups and cultural backgrounds, volunteering programs help to develop a shared Israeli civil society.

The volunteering options offered by our affiliate organizations Ma’ase and Ofek target in particular high school graduates from the geographic and social periphery. They include pre-army service year and leadership training programs, and frameworks for those who are exempt from military service for various reasons and choose to volunteer for national-civic service.

In all these programs, the volunteers enjoy training, guidance and placement in meaningful work that is relevant to their lives. During the year they participate in activities that are designed to develop personal capabilities and social awareness, which serve them in building their future orientation and realizing it as adults.



Government | local authorities | Philanthropy | Business sector

Operating body

Operating body

Ofek Association | Ma’ase Center

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